Five Phrases to Empower Your Child

Children want to have some independence. Maria Montessori recognized this while observing students. Her studies led to the creation of “Follow the Child,” a Montessori philosophy that says it is best to give students freedom within limits. Let the child move through the world, discovering things on their own time, in their own way. Yet,…

How Montessori Does Recess

When families are thinking of enrolling their child in a Montessori program, one of the most common questions asked is, “When do the children have recess? How often are they outside?”   In the book, From Childhood to Adolescence, Dr. Maria Montessori states, “The closed environment is felt as a constraint, and that is why…

The Inside Scoop on Montessori Schools

Choosing the correct educational path for your child is important, as the environment and quality of education can help shape their future. You want only the best—for your child to be successful. Fortunately, there are plenty of options out there beyond traditional schooling, such as Montessori. Knowing more about what happens inside the Montessori classroom,…