
Primary Classrooms

8:30 am – 3:15 pm, Five days per week
Age Range: Two and a half through six years old

Your child will receive a learning experience designed specifically to help them reach their full potential. Our focus on intellectual, social, and physical development is manifest in this hands-on approach to learning. Children gain experience through self-directed purposeful work resulting in critical thinking skills, fine and gross motor abilities, social and emotional awareness, and intellectual development all while they become increasingly independent. Peace, social justice and global citizenship are taught through cultural studies, grace and courtesy, and peaceful conflict resolution, cultivating a respect for all living beings. Students creatively and joyfully explore fine arts, music, dance, yoga, health and wellness, and playfully discover the foundations of academic knowledge such as literacy, math, science and cultural studies. We believe that all of these areas of development are equally important in early childhood and our curriculum is designed with this balance in mind and implemented by highly skilled educators.

Daily Schedule

8:30 – 8:45

Parents Drop Off Child to a Warm Welcome


8:45 – 9:00

Morning Circle


9:00 – 12:00

Uninterrupted Montessori Work Block

Child-led exploration of the Montessori curriculum
Individual and small group lessons
Child enjoys a healthy snack (supplied by school)


12:00 – 12:45


Child enjoys a healthy lunch (brought from home)


1:00 – 2:45

Gross Motor Play

Primary children may also choose to nap or rest


2:45 – 3:00

Pack Up and Clean Up


3:00 – 3:15

Fond Farewell and Pick-up Time


3:00 – 6:00

Afternoon Care

Child enjoys a healthy snack (brought from home)
Outdoor gross motor play
Option to participate in special group activities such as art projects, yoga, cooking, music, etc.
Free play: children choose between blocks, dramatic play, art, puzzles and games, etc.