How Montessori Schools Differ From Daycare

When you have a child of preschool age, you might find yourself wondering if there was something better than a regular daycare. There are many options out there, including Montessori programs. Each looks the same in terms of function, but the learning outcomes of Montessori schools and daycare are different. So which one is right…

Sewing Ideas For The Montessori Classroom

Dr Maria Montessori believed that Practical Life activities are extremely meaningful. Learning how to perform a life skill not only refines motor movement but teaches something that can be used throughout life. One of the best activities to incorporate into a Practical Life lesson is sewing. There are many ways to teach basic and advanced…

Montessori Language Activities For Home

When you’re at home with your child, figuring out how to introduce language and literacy activities can be a challenge. While there are tons of resources and tools out there, not all of them are going to be helpful. That’s where the Montessori method comes in. By employing some of Dr Maria Montessori’s wisdom in…

Discipline: Four Tips From The Montessori Perspective

At Fishtown Montessori, discipline isn’t about punishment. Rather, it’s about teaching children about consequences and how to make informed decisions. Teaching this to younger minds can be challenging, however. There are many ways you can go about illustrating discipline, some of them taken right out of Montessori’s own book. Here are four tips from the…